Make Up Karakter di Star Trek Exhibition Jakarta

Dari tanggal 1 Juni sampai tanggal 13 Juli 2014, masyarakat di ibukota Jakarta di hadirkan sebuah pameran bertajuk Star Trek Exhibition. Pada pameran yang diselenggarakan oleh Panorama Live ini di tampilkan beragam properti mulai dari kostum sampai set dekorasi yang digunakan dalam film serial Star Trek.

make up karakter indonesia

Dalam pameran ini team kami sebagai bagian dari make up artist karakter membuat beberapa makhluk alien yang menjadi icon dari film serial Star Trek sebagai bagian dari exhibisi. Alien-alien tersebut akan kami bahas di post berikutnya, satu per-satu supaya pembaca mengerti latar belakang dari ras alien yang kami buat make up karakternya.

make up karakter indonesia

JAVO Character Makeup

makeup karakter indonesiamakeup karakter indonesia
Model : Paramitha, Herlambang. Prosthetic & MUA : Reza Pramez

JAVO, Resident Evil Character Makeup

Karakter ini dari game Resident Evil 6. Sebenarnya tidak sama dengan karakter aslinya, tapi untuk percobaan ini kami mencoba modifikasi makeup karakter indonesia versi untuk perlombaan cosplay di Toys Fair 2013 mewakili organisasi Indonesia Zombie Club (IZOC). Karakter ini bukan make up zombie melainkan dikategorikan dalam golongan mutant.

Prosthetic kami buat dari bahan campuran karet silikon dan untuk pewarnaan kami menggunakan cat berbahan dasar alkohol. Dengan sedikit menambahkan fake blood, karakter ini menjadi lebih seram.

Memang kami akui untuk make up karakter Javo versi Indonesia  ini masih kurang sempurna, masih harus mencoba dan berlatih menjadi lebih baik. Namun setidaknya kami mendapatkan juara kedua.

English Version

The character of the game Resident Evil 6. Actually not the same as the original characters, but for this experiment we tried a modified version of the Indonesian character makeup for cosplay competitions at Toys Fair 2013 Indonesian organization representing Zombie Club (IZOC).

Prosthetic we made from a mixture of silicone rubber and for staining we use alcohol-based paint. By adding a bit of fake blood, it becomes more sinister character.

Indeed, we admit to this character makeup is still less than perfect, still have to try and be a better practice. But at least we get a 2nd runner up.

Portfolio Make up Karakter Indonesia

The Passion Of The Christ

Passion Of The Christ

Make Up by : San San Liem , Reza Pramez & +emily happywise 

Last year, we did collaboration work make up for church drama titled "Passion Of The Christ"
to make cuts on the figure of Jesus Christ is not difficult, because just playing in shading and fake blood.  

Prosthetic that we made was partially destroyed by heat during the day. Make up karakter Indonesia
requires attention to the climatic conditions.

Other Make Up Karakter Portfolio

Burn Face make up

burn face make up
Prothetic and Make Up by @feby_yanto


We were testing for using gelatin prosthetic to apply to this make up. We mix white, black, green colour to make the result as real as possible. but we get problem about gelatin prosthetic after make up has done. Gelatin Prosthetic was melted after 1 hour, because it can not adapt to the tropical climate and body temperature. 

SFX Makeup Indonesia requires attention to adapting in tropical climate. Some materials and technique will unable to use because can't adapt to environment.

Beneficially, we get another materials and technique because our R & D.



Here are the results of our work over the still active as a Make Up artist in the community called Indonesian Zombie Club (IZOC).

This is example of simple zombie make up. We only using three elements, such as foundation, eye shadow, and cake blood (artificial blood) without applying proshetic. Anyone can try make this in 15 minutes or less. This type of make up is suitable for television or low budget film.

For anyone that interesting to learning about Special Effect make up can try this first. Blending of the three elements is not difficult, just make it as scary as possible. The blood is only for accessories but some zombies dont need blood accessories in their face.

There are three types of zombie make up :

Simple zombie make up : (see the example)

Medium zombie make up : with simple scar prosthetic

Hard zombie make up   : full prosthetic

Makeup zombie Indonesia requires the selection of makeup tools specifically to suit the tropical climate.

The beginner level is not as hard as practice. Creativity and imagination are needed.


Genderuwo Adalah

Genderuwo Adalah mitologi
genderuwo adalah

Genderuwo Adalah 

Make UP and Costume by Feby Anto

The costume was created only 1 day. The make up process needs 1 hours approximately. This is make up karakter Indonesia.

About The Myth.

Genderuwa (from the Java language: ‘Genderuwo’) is a Javanese myth about a type of the jinn or spirit that can manifest into human-like apes, big and stout with reddish black color, his body covered with thick hair. Genderuwa are most widely known in Java, Indonesia. Sundanese people call it “Gandaruwo” and the Javanese people generally call it “Gendruwo”.
They are said to dwell in large trees that are shaded or damp corners of deserted buildings. According to myth, this creature resides in forest areas such as Teak Forest Nature Reserve Danalaya, Slogohimo district and in the White Weak, Purwosari, Girimulyo in Kulon Progo.
This entity is believed to communicate and make direct contact with humans. Various legends say that Genderuwo can change the appearance of its physical form to follow someone or to entice people. The Genderuwo creature is believed to be idle and dissolute, has the tendency to tease people, especially women and children. Genderuwo is sometimes happy slapping a women’s rump, caressing her body while she slept, or even to switch women’s undergarments to others. Genderuwo occasionally appear in the form of furry little creatures that can grow in an instant. Genderuwo also like to throw stones at people’s houses at night. The Genderuwo is known to tempt lonely wifes when husbands leave or those that become widowed. Sometimes, Genderuwo have sexual relationships with these women in order impregnate them and produce more Genderuwo.
According to legend, The Genderuwo has a very strong ability to attract women. Genderuwo’s sexual game is said to be unusual and that women feel often satisfied and extend extraordinary favors. Genderuwos have very strong libidos and possess seduction skills far superior to men.
There is a legend that states Genderuwo can enter and remain happy in the womb of a woman if an intimate relationship forms between the woman and the Genderuwo and that the desire never wains until one dies…which is usually the woman. At that point, the Genderuwo moves on to his next sexual conquest. There is little a woman can do to deter the advances of this creature.
The Genderuwa myth has been widely used in many modern entertainment media forms, mainly in horror films from Indonesia and Malaysia where Javanese communities still practice the beliefs and culture of Java. An Indonesian man who seems to possess an unusual knack for seducing women of all ages is seen as a Genderuwa and considered to be touched by evil and capable of committing horrible acts.
(source :

Genderuwo Adalah Mitologi

Make up karakter untuk jenis lain

Making of Klingon

Making of Klingon
Prostetic and Make up artist : sipramez, Hair Stylist : rrparamitha, Costume: feby_yanto

Membuat Klingon

Berangkat dari pengalaman (tentunya), maka pada suatu kesempatan kami diminta untuk membuat makhluk bernama Klingon dari serial film fiksi Star Trek oleh komunitas Indo Star Trek. Kami tidak akan menjelaskan apa dan bagaimana makhluk tersebut, silahkan menonton serial televisinya saja jika ingin tahu lebih jauh tentang Klingon.

Make up ini cukup sulit memerlukan waktu 4 jam dikerjakan oleh 2 orang. Apalagi hasilnya harus sama persis dengan Commander Worf di serial televisinya. Make Up Karakter Indonesia walaupun belum seperti buatan Michael Westmore (MUA untuk Star Trek) tapi hasilnya cukup hampir menyamai.

Untuk membuat rambut Cmd.Worf diperlukan waktu 1 bulan, dengan menanam 1 per-satu rambutnya helai demi helai ke dalam bald cap khusus, dan perlu membuat model untuk ridges (jidat nya itu lho). tentunya kita tidak ingin uncomplete dalam membuatnya, perlu kesabaran dan ketelitian tentunya perlu banyak pelajaran dari Michael Westmore.


Based from experience (of course), then on one occasion we were asked to make a creature named Klingon from Star Trek fiction series by Indo Star Trek community. We will not explain what and how these creatures, please watch the television series only if you want to know more about the Klingons.

Making of Klingon make up is quite difficult to take a 4 hour worked by 2 people. Moreover, the results should be exactly the same with Commander Worf in the television series. Although not as artificial Michael Westmore (Make up Designer for Star Trek Television Series) but the results are pretty nearly equal.

To make hair Cmd.Worf take 1 month, by planting one by one hair strand by strand into a special stamp bald, and need to create a model for the ridges (his forehead that you know). of course we do not want to make it uncomplete, need patience and thoroughness certainly needs a lot of lessons from Michael Westmore.


Zombie Make Up 2

Yang ini juga hasil karya kami sewaktu masih aktif di komunitas Indonesia Zombie Club (IZOC).
Tapi kedua makhluk di atas ini beda lho jenis zombie nya. Tentunya saat ini kita tidak bicarakan jenis makhluknya karena kalau membicarakan jenisnya silahkan tanyakan kepada yang lebih tau dan paham.

Tipe Make Up Hard ataupun Medium keduanya memiliki tingkat kesulitan yang sama, dan masalah yang paling krusial adalah waktu pengerjaan. untuk kedua tipe make up tersebut membutuhkan waktu paling singkat 1 jam (itupun sudah dikejar-kejar oleh rundown), dibawah waktu tersebut jangan harap jadi seperti yang diharapkan. tips dalam mengaplikasikan make up jenis ini adalah kuncinya di Manajemen Waktu berlaku bagi Make Up Artist dan talent.
Bahan untuk make up karakter Indonesia jenis ini juga sama mahalnya jika dibandingkan dengan make up simple yang tentunya lebih murah bahannya. tapi jika menginginkan hasil yang "berbeda" ya tentunya sepadan dengan biaya yang dikeluarkan, bukan?

Zombie Make Up 2

Yang ini juga hasil karya kami sewaktu masih aktif di komunitas Indonesia Zombie Club (IZOC). Tapi kedua makhluk di atas ini beda lho jen...


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