Making of Klingon

Making of Klingon
Prostetic and Make up artist : sipramez, Hair Stylist : rrparamitha, Costume: feby_yanto

Membuat Klingon

Berangkat dari pengalaman (tentunya), maka pada suatu kesempatan kami diminta untuk membuat makhluk bernama Klingon dari serial film fiksi Star Trek oleh komunitas Indo Star Trek. Kami tidak akan menjelaskan apa dan bagaimana makhluk tersebut, silahkan menonton serial televisinya saja jika ingin tahu lebih jauh tentang Klingon.

Make up ini cukup sulit memerlukan waktu 4 jam dikerjakan oleh 2 orang. Apalagi hasilnya harus sama persis dengan Commander Worf di serial televisinya. Make Up Karakter Indonesia walaupun belum seperti buatan Michael Westmore (MUA untuk Star Trek) tapi hasilnya cukup hampir menyamai.

Untuk membuat rambut Cmd.Worf diperlukan waktu 1 bulan, dengan menanam 1 per-satu rambutnya helai demi helai ke dalam bald cap khusus, dan perlu membuat model untuk ridges (jidat nya itu lho). tentunya kita tidak ingin uncomplete dalam membuatnya, perlu kesabaran dan ketelitian tentunya perlu banyak pelajaran dari Michael Westmore.


Based from experience (of course), then on one occasion we were asked to make a creature named Klingon from Star Trek fiction series by Indo Star Trek community. We will not explain what and how these creatures, please watch the television series only if you want to know more about the Klingons.

Making of Klingon make up is quite difficult to take a 4 hour worked by 2 people. Moreover, the results should be exactly the same with Commander Worf in the television series. Although not as artificial Michael Westmore (Make up Designer for Star Trek Television Series) but the results are pretty nearly equal.

To make hair Cmd.Worf take 1 month, by planting one by one hair strand by strand into a special stamp bald, and need to create a model for the ridges (his forehead that you know). of course we do not want to make it uncomplete, need patience and thoroughness certainly needs a lot of lessons from Michael Westmore.


Zombie Make Up 2

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